
Archive for the ‘John XXIII’ Category

The early Church has celebrated this feast day in memory of the day when St. Peter first preached in Rome.

It just so happens that Antipope John XXIII of the Vatican 2 religion removed this feast day from his liturgical calendar along with the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch, which is celebrated on February 22 and Saint Peter’s Chains, which is celebrated August 1.

He removed other feast days and reduce many others to commemorations.

See http://www.missaleromanum.it/Summorum/Summorum05.pdf

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Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli


His election was predicted ahead of time by Dr. Elisabeth Gerstner, Vatican insider, who personally knew Roncalli and the dealings inside the Vatican. “There was, however, a German journalist, Elisabeth Ger­stner, who smelled the truth in the air and, risking accusations of insanity, wrote it and hit the mark. In an article titled “Zur Todesstunde Pius XII” appeared on the “General Anzeiger fùr den Nieder-Rhein” by mid-October 1958, Gerstner wrote in detail, that the Conclave would elect Venice’s patriarch Roncalli, who would open the door to the future Paul VI (4).” Reference : Nikita Roncalli by Franco Bellegrandi published in Italian in 1994 A.D.

Roncalli in 1958 took the name of John XXIII, the same name as the Anti-Pope Baldasar Cossa who incidentally, reigned for 5 years, called for and opened the council of Constance during his 4th year, and died just before the 3rd session just as Roncalli did with his “pontificate” and Second Vatican Council.

After his death, the Vatican sent for Gennar Goglia, who with his colleagues embalmed John XXIII. Goglia injected ten liters of embalming fluid into John XXIII’s wrist and stomach to neutralize any putrefaction. This explains his incorruptible body not to mention he was found face down in his casket as reported.

Keep in mind that John Paul II beatified the man you’re about to read about. Francis I canonized him. Associations with Communists, Marxists, and terrorists would disqualify a man from the FBI and CIA of the USA. John XXIII’s friends and comrades were these very men, yet not only is he defended as a pope of the Catholic Church, but he is revered as a saint.


Some highlights of his modernist associations and statements:

-Was influenced by the excommunicated modernist Loisy and by modernist writer Duschene. (The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, updated and revised, 2006, Rama P. Coomaraswamy  p. 134)

-Was involved in the youth organization “Opera Dei Congress” that was dissolved by Pope St. Pius X for modernism. (The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, updated and revised, 2006, Rama P. Coomaraswamy  p. 134)

-Was associated with notorious modernists such as Bishop Radini Tedeschi, Bishop Carlo Ferrara of Milan, Bishop Bonomello of Cremona, and Lamberdo Beauduin. (The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, updated and revised, 2006, Rama P. Coomaraswamy  p. 134 cited Giancarlo Zizola’s, The Utopia of Pope John XXIII (Orbis: N.Y., 1978)

-His closest seminary friends including roommate (later Bishop of Bergamo) who assisted at his ordination were excommunicated for modernism. (The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, updated and revised, 2006, Rama P. Coomaraswamy  p. 134 cited E. Poulat (Integrisme et Catholicisme integral)

-Was a Professor of Patristics at the Lateran University, and removed several months “on suspicion of modernism” and for teaching the theories of Rudolf Steiner, an illuminati member and originator of “The Science of the Spirit known as Anthroposophy.” A file dated to 1925, the Holy Office had maintained a dossier on Angelo Roncalli which read “suspected of Modernism.”

-Roncalli continued a close association with the defrocked priest, Ernesto Buonaiuti, who was excommunicated for heresy in 1926. (Lawrence Elliott, I Will Be Called John, 1973, pp. 90-92)

-When Roncalli was Nuncio to France, he was appointed Observer for the Holy See to the United Nations cultural agency, UNESCO. In July 1951, he gave a speech “lavishly praising UNESCO…” Roncalli called UNESCO “this great international organization…” (Alden Hatch, A Man Named John, p. 117 -118)

-During his Nunciature in Paris, “Cardinal Roncalli attended in civilian clothes the Great Lodge where he found again the Jesuit Riquet. His adviser was Maurice Bredet, author of ‘Mystic and Magic,’ who boasted that he had prophesied the Tiara to Cardinal Roncalli.” (The Hidden, But Victorious Way Of The Free-Masonry, Rev. Fr. Henri Mouraux)

– “When necessary he simply contradicted previous Popes. He rejected in toto Gregory XVI’s Mirari Vos and Singulari Nos, and the Quanta Cura of Pius IX, to which was attached, as appendix, The Syllabus of Errors. John was ruthless in dismissing the views of his predecessors.” When asked about following in the footsteps of so great a man as Pius XII, John XXIII responded, “I try to imagine what my predecessor would have done, and then I do just the opposite.”(‘Pope John XXIII’ Catholic Writer Paul Johnson)

-Again Johnson, “If we take Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris together, they effectively demolish most of the internationalist, social, economic, and political teachings of the Popes for the previous hundred years with the one exception of Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum.”

-Was greatly influenced by super modernist heretic Teilhard de Chardin.

-Greatly admired super modernist Maritain. (Giancarlo Zizola’s, The Utopia of Pope John XXIII, Orbis: N.Y., 1978)

-Calls on a Council and invites everybody, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox and Communists. He thought up the event 2 days from his election.

-Revolutionized the mass in 1962 and eliminated many traditional prayers such as the St. Michael Prayer of Pope Leo from the low masses.

-He refused to read the 3rd Secret of Fatima and called the Fatima seers “Prophets of Doom.” (Malachi Martin)

-Removed the Patron Saint of St. John Vianney off the Calendar, St. Philomena. (Pope Gregory XVI had given her the titles of: “Great Wonder Worker of the 19th century” and “Patroness of the Living Rosary, and then canonized her in 1837.) He, also, removed other great saints.


Some highlights involving associations with enemies of the Church:

-When elevated to the College of Cardinals, Roncalli insisted upon receiving the red hat from the notoriously anti-clerical Vincent Auriol, President of the Masonic “Fourth Republic” of France, kneeling before him to have the red hat placed upon his head.  John XXIII said of Vincent Auriol that he was “an honest socialist.” (Alden Hatch, A Man Named John, p. 121)

-John XXIII was also known as a “good friend and confidant” of Edouard Herriot, Secretary of the Anti-Catholic Radical Socialists (of France). “Perhaps Roncalli’s greatest friend was the grand old socialist and anti-clerical, Edouard Herriot.” (Rev. Francis Murphy, John XXIII Comes To The Vatican, 1959, p. 139. Alden Hatch, A Man Named John, p. 114)

-One of John XXIII’s good friends was the Communist and Lenin Peace Prize winner Giacomo Manzu. (Curtis Bill Pepper, An Artist and the Pope, London, England: Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. Front cover & inside slip cover of book; also look at p. 5)

-John XXIII said: “I see no reason why a Christian could not vote for a Marxist if he finds the latter to be more fit to follow such a political line and historical destiny.” (Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, The New Montinian Church, Brea, Ca., p. 570)

– At social functions in Paris Roncalli was frequently seen fraternizing with the Soviet Ambassador, M. Bogomolov, even though the Soviet Union had resumed its pre-war policy of brutal extermination of Catholics in Russia. Also a good friend of Edouard Herriot, Secretary of the anti-Catholic Radical Socialists (of France) (John XXIII Comes To The Vatican, by Rev. Francis X. Murphy, C.SS.R., 1959, p. 139)


Some highlights involving Freemasonry:

-Cardinal Angelo Roncalli was a documented Freemason seated next to Edouard Herriot, Secretary of the Radical Socialists whom Roncalli hosted, along with other officials of the Masonic “Fourth Republic” of France, in 1953

-Was Papal Nuncio in Paris and would visit the Grand Lodge of that city in civilian clothes every Thursday evening as testified by several members of the French police appointed to guard him. (This information can be substantiated by Commandant Rouchette, the retired French police at B.P. 151, 18105 Cognac Cedex. France. Also noted in Mary Ball Martinez, The Undermining of the Catholic Church, Hillmac, Mexico, 1999, p. 117)

-Yves Marsaudon, 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason: “The sense of universalism that is rampant in Rome these days is very close to our purpose for existence… with all our hearts we support the revolution of John XXIII.” (Yves Marsaudon in his book Ecumenism Viewed by a Traditional Freemason, Paris: Ed. Vitiano; quoted by Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy, The Destruction of the Christian Tradition, p. 144.)

-Yves Marsaudon, the aforementioned French Freemason and author, also claims that Roncalli [John XXIII] became a thirty-third degree Mason while a nuncio at France.

-The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy of Italian Freemasonry told 30 Days Magazine: “As for that, it seems that John XXIII was initiated (into a Masonic Lodge) in Paris and participated in the work of the Istanbul Workshops.” (Giovanni Cubeddu, 30 Days, Issue No. 2-1994 p. 25)

-From 30 Days magazine, Nov. 2, 1994 edition entitled “A John XXIII Update”: “Our readers will remember that in our June 1994 newsletter (Nuclear Horizons) we published a sensational statement by the Grand Master of the Italian Grand Orient Order of Freemasons to the effect that ‘Pope’ John XXIII had been initiated into the Freemasons when he was Nuncio in Paris in the late forties. We pointed out, that if this statement were true, Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) could not possibly have been validly elected to the Supreme Pontificate. He would have been intrinsically ineligible by reason of his automatic excommunication under Canon Law (No. 2335). Not being a Catholic, it was not possible for him to be head of the Catholic Church.”

-When Angelo Roncalli was the nuncio to France, he appointed a thirty-third degree Freemason and close friend, the Baron Yves Marsaudon, as head of the French branch of the Knights of Malta, a Catholic lay order, causing a major scandal for the Pius XII papacy. (Paul I. Murphy and R. Rene Arlington, La Popessa, 1983, pp. 332-333)

– “If there are still some remnants of thought, reminiscent of the Inquisition, they will be drowned in a rising flood of ecumenism and liberalism. One of the most tangible consequences will be the lowering of spiritual barriers that divide the world. With all our hearts we wish for the success of John XXIII’s Revolution.” (L’oecumenisme vu par un Franc Macon de Tradition, Yves Marsaudon, 1964, Paris, p. 26)

-The dedication and preface for Marsaudon’s book was written by Charles Riandley, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of France (Scottish Rite). Riandley wrote: “To the memory of Angelo Roncalli,… Pope under the Name of John XXIII, Who Has Deigned to Give Us His Benediction, His Understanding and His Protection,… [and] To His August Continuer, His Holiness Pope Paul VI.” Riandley confidently predicted how the policies of Roncalli and Montini would advance the Masonic agenda: “We are convinced of the narrowness of the spiritual, cultural, scientific, social and economic structures which up to our own time, have hindered the actions and the thoughts of man… But these structures have already been shattered in part. Some pontifical decisions have contributed to this. We feel sure that they will be all destroyed eventually… True, not everything is to be rejected; but what cannot be saved will not be saved unless it is renovated.” (L’oecumenisme vu par un Franc Macon de Tradition, Yves Marsaudon, 1964, Paris, pp. 15, 16)

-John XXIII wrote a Masonic type of encyclical Pacem et Terris and was praised by General Secretary of the British Communist Party, John Gollan, before television cameras on April 21, 1963, said the “encyclical (Pacem in Terris) [of John XXIII] had surprised and gladdened” him and, therefore, he had externalized his “most sincere satisfaction at the recent 28th Party Congress.” (Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, The New Montinian Church, Brea, CA., p. 170)

-John XXIII, Pacem in terris #14, April 11, 1963: “Also among man’s rights is that of being able to worship God in accordance with the right dictates of his own conscience, and to profess his religion both in private and in public.”

-When the theologian of the Holy Office, Fr. Ciappi, told John XXIII that his encyclical Pacem in Terris contradicted the teaching of Popes Gregory XVI and Pius IX on religious liberty, John XXIII responded: “I won’t be offended by a few spots if most of it shines.” (Catholic Restoration, March-April 1992, Madison Heights, MI, p. 29)

-The Masonic Bulletin, the official organ of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masons, for the Masonic District of the United States of Mexico, located at 56 Lucerna St., Mexico, D.F. (Year 18, No. 220, May 1963):


“Generally speaking, the encyclical Pacem in Terris, addressed to all men of goodwill, has inspired comfort and hope. Both in democratic and Communist countries it has been universally praised. Only the Catholic dictatorships have frowned upon it and distorted its spirit. “To us many concepts and doctrines it contains are familiar. We have heard them from illustrious rationalist, liberal, and socialist brothers. After having carefully weighed the meaning of each word, we might say that, the proverbial and typical Vatican literary rubbish notwithstanding, the encyclical Pacem in Terris is a vigorous statement of Masonic doctrine… we do not hesitate to recommend its thoughtful reading.” (Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, The New Montinian Church, pp. 147-148)

– “The direction of our action: Continuation of the Work of John XXIII and all those who have followed him on the way to Templar Universalism.” (Resurgence du Temple, published and edited by the Knights Templar (Freemasons), 1975   A.D.O. Datus, “Ab Initio,” p. 60)

-From the June 4, 1963, edition of The Reporter (El Informador):

“The Great Western Mexican Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, on the occasion of the death of John XXIII, makes known its sorrow for the disappearance of this great man who revolutionized the ideas, thoughts, and forms of the Roman Catholic liturgy. His encyclicals Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris have revolutionized the concepts favoring human rights and liberty. Mankind has lost a great man, and we Masons acknowledge his high principles, his humanitarianism, and his being a great liberal. Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico, June 3, 1963 Dr. Jose Guadalupe Zuno Hernandez” (Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, The New Montinian Church, p. 147)

-Charles Riandey, a sovereign Grand Master of secret societies, in his preface to a book by Yves Marsaudon (State Minister of the Supreme Council of French secret societies), stated: “To the memory of Angelo Roncalli, priest, Archbishop of Messamaris, Apostolic Nuncio in Paris, Cardinal of the Roman Church, Patriarch of Venice, Pope under the name of John XXIII, who has deigned to give us his benediction, his understanding, and his protection.” (Piers Compton, The Broken Cross, Cranbrook, Western Australia: Veritas Pub. Co. Ptd Ltd, 1984, p. 50)

– “I know Cardinal Roncalli very well. He was a Deist and a Rationalist whose strength did not lie in the ability to believe in miracles and to venerate the sacred.” (Journal de Geneve, by Freemason Carl Jacob Burckhardt, A.D.O Datus, “AB INITIO,” p. 60)

-John XXIII made a notorious Freemason, Umberto Ortolani, a “Gentleman of His Holiness.”

-Cardinal Heenan, who was present at the 1958 conclave which gave us John XXIII, once mentioned: “There was no great mystery about Pope John’s election. He was chosen because he was a very old man. His chief duty was to make Msgr. Montini (later Paul VI), the Archbishop of Milan, a cardinal so that he could be elected in the next conclave. That was the policy and it was carried out precisely.” (Cardinal Heenan’s biography, Crown of Thorns)

After 1958 conclave, he summoned the conclavists back for an unusual overnight post-election session: “John XXIII asked the cardinals to remain in the conclave another night instead of leaving immediately as was customary…to caution them again against revealing the secrets of his election to outsiders…” (Alden Hatch, A Man Named John, Hawthorn Books, 1963, p. 163)

“After greeting and blessing the cheering throng in St. Peter’s Square . . . John XXIII ordered the Cardinals not to disperse. He wished to meet with them in secret. This was a burden on several of the Cardinals who were in their nineties and in failing health, but in deference to the new Pope they all stayed. It must have been a very sensitive meeting, for when Secretary of State Tardini tried to enter, mistakenly believing the conclave was over, he was promptly excommunicated by France’s Cardinal Tisserant.” (Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight, p. 154)

In October 1958, the greatest conspiracy ever is made manifest. The Freemasonic plan is finally realized when one of their own is recognized as the visible head of the Catholic Church.


Apparition of John XXIII


In 1963, two coal miners trapped in a collapsed mine in Central Pennsylvania claimed to see an apparition or vision of John XXIII who had recently died. They testified that John XXIII was wearing a black cassock “like that of a poor parish priest.” He was not dressed as the pope.



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