
Archive for May, 2020

The Feeneyite believes Baptism of Desire and Blood is heresy against the definitions of the Council of Trent. Therefore, the Feeneyite most hold to the following 21 absurdities:

1. The Catholic Church has been promulgating heresy by catechism for 464 years from the Catechism of the Council of Trent.

2. The Catholic Church has been promulgating heresy by Canon law for over 100 years.

3. The Catholic Church allows heresy to be taught throughout the whole Church for hundreds of years.

4. The Catholic Church is no different from Protestantism as far as having heresy.

5. Protestant and Eastern Orthodox religions are false religions because they teach heresy, but the Catholic Church remains the true religion when it teaches heresy by law and catechism.

6. Pope St. Pius V of the Council of Trent is also the pope to promulgate heresy against the same council.

7. All the popes and saints that taught Baptism of Desire and Blood after Trent were ignorant of the council’s dogma.

8. Pope Clement XIII didn’t know the Roman Catechism taught Baptism of Desire.

9. Pope Pius IX was ignorant of the council’s teaching.

10. Pope St. Pius X was ignorant of the council’s teaching.

11. Pope St. Pius X allowed a heretical catechism to be promulgated in Italy in his name.

12. Pope St. Pius X didn’t know baptism of desire was being promulgated in his name.

13. Pope Benedict XV was ignorant of the council’s teaching.

14. St. and Doctor of the Church Alphonsus Liguori didn’t understand the council’s teaching on Baptism and interpreted Trent to mean exactly opposite to its true meaning.

15. St. Charles Borromeo handpicked by the pope to explain Trent didn’t truly understand Trent.

16. St. and Doctor of the Church Robert Bellarmine didn’t understand the council’s teaching on Baptism.

17. All the popes and saints who teach Baptism of Desire and Blood reject Jesus’ true meaning in John 3:5.

18. The Old Testament made it safer and easier to get to heaven than the New Testament.

19. War broke out to prevent the First Vatican Council of defining the heresy of Baptism of Desire even though it is believed by the whole Church anyway.

20. Every layman that believes in Baptism of Desire and Blood is a heretic, but all the popes, saints, and doctors of the Church that do are not heretics. Only popes, saints, and doctors of the Church get to profess heresy without being actual heretics.

21. Defenders of Baptism of Desire and Blood using the teachings of popes, catechisms, canon law, saints, and doctors of the Church are bad-willed.

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I’m sad to hear my old friend, Mr. Hutton Gibson has passed away. He had been most gracious to me. He helped me with my grammar and edited out a hundred typos from my book, “Papal Anomalies and Their Implications.”

I first received an email from Mr. Gibson in 2010 asking to publish one of my articles on his website. He wrote, “It so happens that I have nothing to post this week, and I would be delighted to display your reply, if only to demonstrate that I am not the only nut in this business.”

I was blown away.

He was very kind and he would always sign his name, Hoot.

I’ll be praying for him and I hope you will, too.

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Today is the Feast of St. Antoninus, O.P. (1389-1459), and he lived at the same time as St. Vincent Ferrer, the sedevacantist saint.

St. Antoninus was the Bishop of Florence, Italy. When he died, Pope Pius II conducted his funeral. His body can still be seen in a glass reliquary.

The First Vatican Council quotes this great Dominican on the issue of a pope who becomes a heretic, which is, in my opinion, the best, clearest, and simplest explanation by anyone. St. Antoninus, O.P. (1389-1459) declared, “In the case in which the pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that fact alone and without any other sentence, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off. ‘A pope who would be separated from the Church by heresy, therefore, would by that very fact itself cease to be head of the Church.  He could not be a heretic and remain pope, because, since he is outside of the Church, he cannot possess the keys of the Church.’”  (Summa Theologica cited in Actes de Vatican I. V. Frond pub.)

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St. Michael has appeared several times throughout history.

During a plague that ravaged the city of Rome, Pope St. Gregory the Great saw St. Michael standing on top of the Castle of Crescentius, wiping his bloody sword and sheathing it. The Pope understood that it meant the plague would be over, which it was.

St. Michael appeared to Saint Ausbert, bishop of Avranches in France in the 8th century asking for a church to be built. Saint Ausbert failed to comply and St. Michael pressed his finger into the bishop’s skull to compel him to get started. The construction of Mont-Saint-Michel in the sea is the finished work. The relic of St. Ausbert’s skull with the hole caused by St. Michael can still be seen at Saint-Gervais Basilica in Avranches.

Today’s May 8 feast day is celebrated because of St. Michael’s apparition near Monte Gargano in the Kingdom of Naples in 492. The Catholic Encyclopedia and Fr. Alban Butler tell the story.

In the year 492 a man named Gargan was pasturing his large herds in the countryside. One day a bull fled to the mountain, where at first it could not be found. When its refuge in a cave was discovered, an arrow was shot into the cave, but the arrow returned to wound the one who had sent it. Faced with so mysterious an occurrence, the persons concerned decided to consult the bishop of the region. He ordered three days of fasting and prayers. After three days, the Archangel Saint Michael appeared to the bishop and declared that the cavern where the bull had taken refuge was under his protection, and that God wanted it to be consecrated under his name and in honor of all the Holy Angels.

Accompanied by his clergy and people, the pontiff went to that cavern, which he found already disposed in the form of a church. The divine mysteries were celebrated there, and there arose in this same place a magnificent temple where the divine Power has wrought great miracles. To thank God’s adorable goodness for the protection of the holy Archangel, the effect of His merciful Providence, this feast day was instituted by the Church in his honor.

It is said of this special guardian and protector of the Church that, during the final persecution of Antichrist, he will powerfully defend it: At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince who protects the children of thy people. (Dan. 12:1) Compare this text with Chapter 10 of the Apocalypse of Saint John.

Reflection. Saint Michael is not only the protector of the Church, but of every faithful soul. By humility he defeated the devil; we who are enlisted in the same warfare must adopt his weapons — humility and ardent love of God. Regarding this Archangel as our leader under God, let us courageously resist the devil in all his assaults with our protector’s famous exclamation: Who is like unto God?

We also have the 18th century apparition to the Portuguese Carmelite nun, Antoia d’ Astonaco. The St. Michael Chaplet was given to her by St. Michael. He told Antonia to honor him by nine salutations to the nine Choirs of Angels. St. Michael promised that whoever practices this devotion in his honor would have, when approaching Holy Communion, an escort of nine angels chosen from each of the nine Choirs. In addition, for those who would recite the Chaplet daily, he promised his continual assistance and that of all the holy angels during life and after death deliverance from purgatory for themselves and their relations. The Chaplet was approved by His Holiness, Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr. of Rites, Aug. 8, 1851, granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least a contrite heart and devotion, they shall say this chaplet:

An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines.

An indulgence of one hundred days indulgence, ever day, to any one who shall carry this chaplet about him, or kiss the medal, representing the holy angels, appended to it.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who shall say this chaplet every day, on any day when, being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall pray especially for the triumph of holy Mother Church, and for the welfare of the Sovereign Pontiff.

A plenary indulgence, on the conditions given above, on: The feast of the Apparition of St. Michael, May 8.

The dedication of St. Michael, September 29.

St. Gabriel the archangel, March 18.

St. Raphael the archangel, October 24.

Holy guardian angels, October 2.

Lastly, we have the following powerful story of a marine during the Korean War.

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Darrin McBreen



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