
Archive for October, 2023

A couple of days ago, my father asked me to read and comment on Eric Sammons’ Oct. 4th article from Crisis Magazine titled, The New Religion of Synodality.

The first thing that struck me about the article is how anti-sedevacantist Sammons and Crisis Magazine are worried about their religion being altered into another religion. They have a pope and they’re still afraid he’s not going to do the right thing. Have they forgotten that a true pope stands against the gates of hell? Oh, that’s right, they believe in a pope but not the papacy. They ultimately believe a true pope can be detrimental to the Catholic Church in leading it in heresy and error.

The article lists what it calls “the essential differences between synodality and Catholicism in practice every day.” Unfortunately, Sammons and Crisis Magazine get these differences partly right, but fail to realize their Vatican 2 religion IS synodality and not Catholicism.

For instance, they state:

Synodality says we must dialogue with error. Catholicism says the Church will lead us out of error into the truth.

Based on this difference, I don’t how they can think their Vatican 2 religion is Catholicism when Vatican 2 already teaches that we must dialogue with error. [1] Of course, the argument is that we are to dialogue to help lead people out of error into the truth. The only problem is that the Vatican 2 popes condemn proselytizing. [2] They are the official interpreters of Vatican 2. Therefore, Vatican 2 is already the religion of “synodality” on this point.

They continue: Synodality says a homosexual union can be blessed. Catholicisim says there can be no compromise or endorsement of sin.

Newsflash, the Vatican 2 religion blesses homosexual unions. The 2022 German Synod already approved such blessings and it received pre-approval of its decisions and tacit post approval from Rome ever since the synod ended. The Vatican even issued a statement on the synod in July, but no condemnation against the abominable error. The Vatican 2 religion blesses homosexual unions officially in Germany. This month, Francis has effectively told clergy that they can decide for themselves whether to “bless” homosexual unions. [3] Therefore, the Vatican 2 religion is already the religion of “synodality” on this point as well.

Sammons and Crisis add: Synodality says we must evolve and change our doctrines with the times. Catholicism says we must hold fast to the traditions handed on to us.

The Vatican 2 pope and its official interpreter, Paul VI stated in 1965: “If the world changes, should not religion also change?” [4] Paul VI also declared in a, General Audience, Oct. 1, 1969: “On the other hand, She [the Church] is also trying to adapt herself and assimilate herself to the world’s ways; She is taking off her distinctive sacral garment, for She wants to feel more human and earthly. “She is tending to let herself be absorbed by the social and temporal milieu. She has almost been seized by human respect at the thought that She is different in some way and obliged to have a style of thought and life which is not that of the world. She is undergoing the world’s changes and degradations with conformist, almost avantegarde zeal.”

Vatican 2 was all about evolving and changing doctrines. It changed the doctrine on the nature of the Church and religious liberty. It was anything but Catholicism. Again, the Vatican 2 religion is the religion of “synodality.”

Lastly, Sammons and Crisis declare: Synodality says God wills a plurality of religions. Catholicism says there is only one true Church and it is the Catholic Church, outside of which no one can be saved.

The following blasphemous and heretical Declaration on Human Fraternity becomes an official “Papal” Act, Francis’ Abu Dhabi heresy published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis CXI, n. 3 (March 2019), pp. 349-356: “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.” 

Can Sammons and Crisis admit that their pope is really the pope of “Synodality”? Nope, it’s anything but sedevacantism.

They do get this 100% right – Catholics today must resist this new religion of synodality. We know it’s the Vatican 2 religion. Whatever comes out of the synod of synodality, it will be more of the same Vatican 2 religion evolving into the one world religion of man.



[1] “The Church, therefore, exhorts her sons, that through dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions, carried out with prudence and love and in witness to the Christian faith and life, they recognize, preserve and promote the good things, spiritual and moral, as well as the socio-cultural values found among these men.” (Nostra Aetate paragraph 2)

“Since the spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews is thus so great, this sacred synod wants to foster and recommend that mutual understanding and respect which is the fruit, above all, of biblical and theological studies as well as of fraternal dialogues.” (Nostra Aetate paragraph 4)

“Catholics who already have a proper grounding need to acquire a more adequate understanding of the respective doctrines of our separated brethren, their history, their spiritual and liturgical life, their religious psychology and cultural background. Most valuable for this purpose are meetings of the two sides – especially for discussion of theological problems – where each can treat with the other on an equal footing, providing that those who take part in them under the guidance of the authorities are truly competent.” (Decree on Oecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio, paragraph 9)

“Although the Church altogether rejects atheism, she nevertheless sincerely proclaims that all men, those who believe as well as those who do not, should help to establish right order in this world, where all live together. This certainly cannot be done without a dialogue that is sincere and prudent.” (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, paragraph 21)

[2] Francis makes it clear: By Proselytism he means CONVERTING people and that’s wrong! – Novus Ordo Watch

[3] Pope Francis to clergy: Decide for yourselves whether to ‘bless’ homosexual unions – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

[4] (Dialogues, Reflections on God and Man)

[5] (L’Osservatore Romano, Oct. 9, 1969, p. 1)

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